Is this a close encounter of the Kingswear kind?

The photograph with two mysterious disc like objects over the village was snapped from a river Dart passenger ferry.

When holidaymaker Haydn Morgan got home to Wales and examined the shot, he was amazed at what he found.

The Welsh Government worker, who spent 27 years as an aeronautical engineer with the Fleet Air Arm, was sceptical enough to take it to two professional photographers to make sure it was not just dust on the camera sensor. Both were unable to explain just what he had snapped, Mr Morgan said.

A shot taken less than a minute later of exactly the same scene shows nothing unusual in the sky, he said.

'I have no idea what it is. I am totally sceptical. It's certainly not a bird of any shape or kind. When you blow the larger one up there seems to be something in the centre,' he added.

Mr Morgan was holidaying in the area from his home in South Wales on Monday, September 16, and had taken the steam train from Paignton to Kingswear before boarding a passenger ferry to Dartmouth.

He took the photos at 1.39pm with his Canon EOS 650D digital camera.

'I am not a crank. I spent 27 years in the Fleet Air Arm, flying around. I have no idea what it is.'

He added: 'I was on the ferry rattling off snaps. I looked at the cloud and it looked a bit strange, so I took a couple of shots of it. When I got home and put them on the computer, one shot was perfectly clear and the other had these two dots on it.'

More on this story in this week's Chronicle