Antonia White, a Modern Feng Shui consultant, is helping people across Devon transform their homes into spaces of positive energy and prosperity.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice focused on harmonizing individuals with their environment by balancing the flow of energy, or 'chi,' in living and working spaces. It aims to improve various aspects of life, including health, wealth, and relationships.

Since moving to the region in 2020, White has been dedicated to using ancient Chinese healing arts to create calm, harmonious environments.

Her journey into Feng Shui began during the pandemic when she discovered a book on the practice in a charity shop. Inspired by her personal experience of applying these principles to her own home, White delved deeper into the art.

Now, as a certified Flying Stars Feng Shui consultant, she is passionate to share her knowledge with others to help others create homes that support well-being and abundance.

White describes Feng Shui as "acupuncture for the home" and uses both traditional and modern techniques to analyse living spaces.

Through bespoke home analyses, she identifies energy imbalances and provides personalized recommendations to improve areas of life such as career, relationships, and overall well-being.

Her services include a Balanced Home Analysis, a Personal Element Guide paired with Qi Gong practices, and a Room-by-Room Feng Shui Design Guide. These offerings are designed to help clients cultivate a holistic, balanced lifestyle by addressing the flow of energy in their living spaces.

By combining ancient tools like the Bagua map (an energy map used in Feng Shui to analyse different areas of life) with modern resources such as Google Earth, White tailors her approach to each property. Her goal is to enhance the flow of positive energy, creating homes that foster clarity, prosperity, and emotional balance.

For more information, visit or contact [email protected].