Beesands resident Tony who, like Banksy, doesn’t want his full identity revealed, has lived in the village for 20 years.

He’s currently painting a mural on the slipway.

The panel featuring Start Point Lighthouse
The panel featuring Start Point Lighthouse (Richard Harding)

Tony said: “I've painted since I was 18 years old.

“I never took it up full time because there's a low per cent chance of getting anywhere, and you've always got to keep a roof over your head.

“Now I'm retired, I can do what I want.”

Tony described the genesis of the idea.

“The project began when they put the stones down as a sea defence, and everyone looking at it, they got together and asked, ‘can we do something to make it worth looking at?’

“And that's where this has become.

“So we're doing pictures of things, some fantasy, some real.

“The fishing boats are real.”

Tony went on to describe the individual panels:

“The first one's going to say ‘Welcome to Beesands’

“There's going to be a scene of Dartmouth in the background and a mermaid in the foreground.

“Now the original mermaid is a bronze statue in Dartmouth called Miranda, so I thought I would modernise it a bit.

“Then we went into the fishing boat, that's the Superbus, very famous one around here.

“Then the next stone will be going under water and it's going to be a shoal of mackerel and sea creatures, i.e. crabs, things like that.

“There’s an octopus then we go out from underwater.

“Back into the surface of the sea again, where you see the first catamaran boat, the Britannia of Beesands.

And then the end one, is another fishing boat, the Scary Bell, local to the village.

Panel featuring the Britannia of Beesands fishing boat
Panel featuring the Britannia of Beesands fishing boat (Richard Harding)

Around the corner, which you can't see yet, which we'll have a look in a minute, is a view of the (Start Point) lighthouse.

How long has the work taken?: “Probably three, four weeks.

“It was great for a couple of weeks working at it and then unfortunately the weather's put us back now.

“We had those severe winds the other week which you get the surf all coming up over here.

Weather-permitting it should be finished in the next few weeks.