A special event was held at Cliff House in Salcombe for the presentation of cheques to five organisations with funds coming from the Town Regatta.

Each received £1,500 making a grand total of £7,500 which is more than previous years.

The presentations were made by the Chairman of Salcombe Town Regatta Debbie Hainey.

Andy Savell from Cliff House Trust said:

“The building is 120 years old or more and the roof has given up.

We need half a million pounds to fix it so this money will help keep us on the road but there is a bigger problem.”

Mike Fice explained The Friends of the Redfern Centre raise funds to provide equipment that other the surgery wouldn’t have and also have a team of volunteer drivers.

Mike Wrigley from Salcombe Christmas Lights told the audience: “It’s 40 years I’ve been doing the lights and I think they’re some of the best lights in the South Hams and thanks to the volunteers we can do it at a price the town can afford.”

Peter Tobin and Mary Kemp from Salcombe Swimming Pool say: “The pool was built in 1977/78.

“We’ve replaced the last of the timber doors and windows with UPVC and had the paving slabs around the pool lifted, relaid and a skip full of concrete removed.

Vickie Parker from the Friends of Salcombe School Association said: “It was a wonderful surprise when we were selected as one of the charities.

“We’re quite a small school and most of you must have some connection.

“There’s only 80 children in the school and about 60 families represented but we achieve big things.

“This year we took the whole school to the theatre, many had never been there before and this money will go towards supporting the children’s reading- an accelerated reading programme.”