Kingston Village Voice

Andrew Kinder | [email protected]

What a last two weeks it’s been in dear old Kingston! I believe there’s some sort of games thing going on in Paris and a shindig about to kick-off in Edinburgh but they’re as nothing compared with our village happenings. We kicked off the festivities with the Produce Show on July 27th – a sterling effort seeing the weather did its very best to ensure that there wasn’t much actual produce to show. Most of the prizes were mopped up by the smiling foursome you can see in the photo; that’s Dick, Rachel, Q and Sally (with Anita getting a peep in at the back) and Gina, who triumphantly carried off best-in-show in the open art category. A huge thanks to all who helped and especially to Jan and Colin for masterminding (mistressminding? personminding?) the organisation of the event.

And then on to the revels of this weekend, kicking off with our Kingston Fun Day this Saturday, the Glasto of the South Hams! A HUGE amount of work went into running this event and my thanks to all concerned. As this old fogey nodded off to sleep, I could still hear the sounds of one of the bands drifting across the fields through the midnight air.

Somewhat more sedately, the older demographic of the village gathered for Pimm’s, cucumber sammos, cake, meringues and boule and croquet on the gently undulating manicured lawns at Scobbi chez Carol and Bob on Sunday afternoon. After uncertain weather in the morning, the sun emerged and a gentle breeze wafted over a wide selection of stunning frocks, jaunty blazers and interesting bow ties. Thanks again to all who helped and of course to Carol and Bob for their generosity in hosting yet again.

Right – that’s all for now. Any chance of Summer starting this August do you think?

Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]

Recently I have reported on our Magpie magazine and its quest for a new Editor, which has proved far from easy. It is therefore with great pleasure I announce that the quest is now over! David Stevens, who has done a marvellous job over many years can now step down as another David prepares to take over! David Moncrieff has known and loved the South Hams for over 60 years and has recently moved into Fore Street, Aveton Gifford. David has many years experience of in the magazine publishing world and is very much looking forward to working with the team and contributors of the Magpie. If anyone wishes to contact him or has thoughts on what should go into the magazine, please get in touch with him on his email [email protected].  He will look forward to hearing from you. Just to say again a huge thank you to David Stevens for his dedicated service to our Magpie.

The August/September edition of Magpie has a full report on the Village shop committee A.G.M which took place in June.

The A.G.V.S.A is responsible for the upkeep of the shop building its condition, fixtures and fittings. but doesn't get involved with the day-to-day running of the shop business. The gist is that they have had a good year and that a good amount of people came to the meeting and wish to support the shop when they can. This is good as we need our shop to survive and flourish, for the post office element to be sure. There are spaces on the AGVSA, and a few new members would be appreciated. Just a couple of hours a month, not a huge commitment, could anyone help? Please contact the group on our village website There's a bit of news from the Hive preschool. One is that the Car Show is coming up on Sunday, August 25th, and they have a stall there with a raffle with some lovely prizes to be won. Another piece of news is that co-manager Laura Treeby will be leaving the Hive after 9 years of service. She has loved being part of the team there and will miss everyone greatly as she moves on to pastures anew. Thank You, Laura and good luck in the future. St Andrews church will have a Sunday Worship service this Sunday starting at the usual time of 11am also there will be refreshments after the service.   

Cornwood and Lutton

Kit Manning | [email protected]

There couldn’t have been a bigger contrast between the weather for this year’s Cornwood 10k Challenge and Fun Run on Saturday 27th July, compared with that for last year’s event when the rain fell relentlessly, all day; this year it was dry and sunny but not too hot - perfect for runners and supporters alike. The many volunteer Marshalls gathered in the Square on the previous evening to get their instructions and another group of volunteers arrived in the Square, bright and early on the morning of the Run, to set up the registration tents, the all important clock, the audio system, the refreshment outlet and the 101 other little jobs necessary to ensure all went smoothly.

Fortunately, many people had taken advantage of the opportunity to register online - which was not only cheaper, but made things easier for the organisers by reducing the numbers queuing to register on the actual afternoon.

This year 232 finished the Challenge and 63 the 4k Fun Run; it was great to see many familiar faces taking part again this year - like local siblings, Jack and Molly Northmore for example, who have taken part each year since the inaugural event in 2005, first in the Fun Run and latterly, in the 10k. Probably because the weather was so pleasant, there were a lot of people supporting the runners this year; they cheered everyone - especially the very young (carried, pushed and three year olds on foot, in the Fun Run) and the more mature (at least one over 80) and stayed on until the last participant returned and the prizes were presented. There were some repeat results this year including 9 year old Jack Penney, the first boy home for the second year running; 12 year old Sophie Jones was the first girl back.

As the leaders in the 10k hove into view, Race Organiser, Roger Norris could be observed keeping an anxious eye on the clock because, each year, he has made a personal pledge to pay £50 to anyone who breaks the record! He went home a poorer man on this occasion as Naomi Flanagan did just that, in a time of 39 mins 16 secs. Thomas Wraight won the men’s race for the second year running in a time of 36 mins 48 secs. (improving his time by 37 secs.) The men’s team prize was retained by Erme Valley Harriers with Plymouth Musketeers the winning ladies’ team.

One couple brought a smile to everyone’s faces as, with a nod to the Olympics, they ran around dressed in navy and white striped tops, navy trousers and berets - complete with strings of onions around their necks and carrying baguettes and bottles of wine - they got a prize for their effort!

Roger and Heather Norrish got this annual event up and running (pun intended!) 19 years ago - not just as a money making effort for Cornwood Church but as a way of bringing the community together; over the years it has grown and improved and is now a much anticipated event which seems to bring all ages and factions together for a few uplifting hours. Of course, the money raised is very welcome, and now, part of it is given to our Church of England school, so they benefit too.

Congratulations to all involved on another successful event.