Cornwood and Lutton

Kit Manning | [email protected]

As always, there was the big build up to Christmas followed by numerous celebrations here and then, in the blink of an eye or so it seems - we’re into 2025! The first of January was welcomed here with our annual Wassail event; despite less than inviting weather conditions, many local people (mainly families) gathered in Cornwood Square, late afternoon, to enjoy cider/apple juice (the product of last autumn’s apple juicing event) whilst being entertained by the Dartmoor Border Morris dancers.

Maybe the cider was particularly potent this year but, whatever the reason, more people than usual joined in the dancing - with more enthusiasm than skill it has to be said! Then it was off down to our Community Orchard on Heathfield (making as much noise as possible along the way) to encourage the trees to bear plentiful fruit with chants and songs, bread and cider, before returning to the Square or the Pub. We learned later that, sadly, local resident Bob Bruce was taken ill whilst walking in Cornwood during the Wassail event and later died; he will be missed in the Community where he has lived for many years..

The children have returned to start the new term at Cornwood School and elsewhere, things are gradually getting back to normal. Members of the Choir have had their first practice of the year and the WI have had their first meeting - nothing too taxing - a social evening which included cheese and wine.

The Lunch Club met last Thursday, in the Village Hall, for the first time since November, as in December they had a special lunch at St. Elizabeth’s, Plympton instead. They are looking for more volunteers to help with serving and clearing up (12-2:30pm) at these fortnightly lunches and also for a volunteer to take over the coordinator’s role (training would be given). It is hoped that enough volunteers come forward to ensure the continued viability of this popular Club.

The Parish Council don’t meet in January, but the Art Group will have its first session of the year on 22nd of Jan.

Many of us have a tendency to hibernate a little during these winter months - especially if the weather is cold; however, if you live locally, you may have been awakened a little earlier than you might have chosen last Sunday morning, as from approximately 5:25am, for about an hour, a Car Rally passed through Cornwood! Apparently it was a South Hams Motor Club Primrose Navigation Rally; residents had been forewarned!

Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]

The Film Festival has unfortunately been postponed until March, for more details contact the organisers on their website.

St Andrews Church services will take place in the village hall for the next couple of weeks due to the roadworks that are taking place on the lower part of Church Lane.

This Week there will be a lay-led Sunday worship service starting at the usual time of 11am.

Last week's service in the hall was well attended and had a lovely atmosphere.

It made quite a change to hear the piano instead of the organ and the refreshments went down very well.

My little dog Harry came too and enjoyed meeting everyone.

The weather has been very cold of late and the cold weather could continue for a couple of months.

Well, The Parish Council has some free bags of road salt to distribute to residents of the parish.

If where you live gets icy and gives cause for concern, please contact Peter Smith at [email protected] to receive your free bag of salt. There are salt bins around the Parish too, so feel free to salt where you live if necessary.

It's Quiz night at the Fishermans this coming Thursday, January 16th, at 7.30pm for an 8pm start.

Looking a little further along in January, there will be a Burns Night Extravaganza on Saturday 25th, more details available from the Fishermans Rest or Village website/Facebook page.

There are a few small boats hanging around, not on the river exactly but down the creeks, looks like they have been dumped or perhaps have broken their moorings. Some have been there a fair while, if the owners read this can they please remove them? They are an eyesore at best but a hazard to other craft at worst.