Aveton Gifford
Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]
The Roadworks are still ongoing which means that St Andrews Church services will take place in the hall again next Sunday, February 2nd.
There will be a Sunday Worship lay-led service, which will start at the usual time of 11 am. All are welcome to attend and there will be refreshments at the end of the service. Last Sunday Kids Church was well attended and led by family workers Sarah and Caroline.
The group was held in Caroline and Neils's house due to the current arrangements so well done to everyone for coming! Rev John Corrie led the service and taught everyone a lovely song about letting Jesus into our lives, which went down well with everyone.
Sadly the Skittles meeting in the hall has been cancelled due to a clash of events but the good news is that it will be re-scheduled for later on in February. It seems that some people still don't pick up after their dogs. There are a few hotspots, particularly in Icy Park, the village green and most unfortunately the churchyard.
This is just a polite notice to ask folk to pick up after their dogs, please. This is becoming a real nuisance again, let's improve the situation, please.
I would like to extend a 'welcome home' message to our friend and neighbour Pat Cassidy, who has been away from the parish whilst her daughter Lucy was unwell. It's lovely to see you back Pat and great that you are feeling better Lucy.
Cornwood and Lutton
Kit Manning | [email protected]
As we approach the month of February, the thoughts of various organisations turn to possible fundraising events for the year. Already we have a date for the next Villages in Action presentation; this will be on 8th March and is entitled Chasing Crockern. After the success of the Christmas Tree festival which raised over £2,200, members of the Church’s Special Events committee have decided that their next event will be another Tea at the Ritz in the Village Hall on 22nd March. Next they plan to hold a Flower Festival in the Church, 23rd - 26th May (this is held on alternate years) and then the annual Cornwood Challenge and Fun Run in July. The organisation of these all rely heavily on the willingness of many volunteers and on the support of the Community to support their efforts.
At Cornwood School they are also making plans; they will support the NSPCC Number Day (7th February) again this year by holding some fundraising initiative and will take part in World Book Day on 6th March. Later in the term they will be visiting the Wembury area to participate in a tree planting project with Parklife SW. They have already had a visit from the Open the Book team (a group of six Church members who visit twice a term) who led their assembly on Tuesday with an enactment of the story of Moses leading the Hebrews out of Egypt. As always, the children enjoyed seeing grown-ups dressed appropriately for the story!
On 8th February, some 40 WI members will be going to St. Elizabeth’s, Plympton for lunch. They used to have dinner out, as a group, on an evening each December, but last year decided to try something new and went out for lunch on a date in February instead as life is always so hectic just before Christmas. It proved so popular with members that they have decided to do the same this year.
Despite the seemingly relentless wind and rain, encouraging signs that Spring is on its way are appearing in the form of buds and flowers - there is even a smattering of very early primroses pushing through in the Churchyard! However, it is the snowdrops which are really coming into their own now and on the weekend of 15th/16th February they should be at their best, so that is when the Snowdrop Mount at Delamore will be open to the public; proceeds for Charity.
Salcombe Community Gospel Choir
Term started Wed, 15th Jan. Anyone interested in joining come along to Holy Trinity Church Salcombe 7.30pm for cuppa and singing starts 8pm finishes 9.30pm. All welcome regardless of faith or none - just sing like you mean it. We are a community choir so just come along or enquiries to Nola Baylis <[email protected].
Salcombe Probus Club
The club are looking for new members who are retired or semi-retired professionals or businessmen. The Club is run on very informal lines with its sole activity being a monthly lunch with no speaker, just good conversation.
Lunches are at the King’s Arms on the first Tuesday of most months. On the same day, a small group of Probus ladies also meets and would welcome others, too.
If you are interested, please contact the Club chairman, John Smith on 844743 or [email protected]