Conrwood and Lutton

Kit Manning | [email protected]

There were no complaints about the weather for this year’s Cornwood and Lutton Golf day which was held last Saturday at Bigbury Golf Club. The sun shone down all afternoon as the competitors (all local or former local residents or those with a close connection to our two Villages) enjoyed playing an 18 hole Stableford Handicap Competition. In addition to a trophy and a bottle of wine for the winner, there was a team prize and a nearest the pin competition - golf balls for all; I understand that the booby prize (a cuddly sheep) has gone to a good home!

Several of those taking part are members at Bigbury, as is this year’s winner, Ros Hanley who played a storming round, scoring well under her handicap. After four hours of golf, all were happy to return to the Clubhouse where they relaxed with well earned drinks, a meal and the prize giving. All agreed that, once again, this annual event (it’s now been played six times) was a great success, with many remarking on the friendly atmosphere in which the game was played.

It’s the middle of September so already thoughts are turning to the two fundraising events in support of the Macmillan Coffee Morning initiative. During Covid, our main event changed from being a Coffee Morning with raffle in the Village Hall, to taking the form of a Homebakes Stall with raffle (on two consecutive mornings), outside in Cornwood Square. The latter proved such a success that, even after we were free of restrictions, organiser Jo Miller took the decision to continue holding it in the Square; this year it will take place from 9am - 12 noon on Fri 27th and Sat 28th September. Our School also holds a Macmillan event - a Coffee Afternoon and this will be on 27th. No doubt the generosity of local people will again be demonstrated at these two events as they show their support for this well regarded Charity.

At this month’s meeting the Parish Council was able to report that, after the success of the first Vehicle Traffic Control (VTC) which has been in use for some months, a second has now been purchased and is already in situ. It means that now there can always be one in each of our two Villages but since they are mobile, they won’t always be in the same place. Also at the meeting the Council approved the request from our Village Hall committee for a grant of £1,000 towards its running costs. The Hall is considered to be a significant community asset which is much used as a venue for various clubs, meetings and social events; in recognition of this, the Council unanimously agreed to provide the £1,000 for the year 2024/2025 but it is not recurrent.

Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]

It's important to mention the nasty accident on the bypass last week. The road was closed from 3.30 pm until the early morning following a collision between two cars and a motorbike. The Air Ambulance attended, as did local emergency services. Sending all good wishes to those involved. Our road can be misleading, and if people don't know it well, it can lead to trouble. The bypass invites speed, but it quickly narrows into the older, more restrictive sections. So please, folks, check your route and make sure you are aware of the conditions.

Next week is the Harvest Supper at the village hall on Friday, September 27th, featuring a Hog Roast and an interesting speaker. The evening starts at 7 pm, and the church congregation will provide homemade puddings—yummy!

Just a reminder that the shop stocks beautiful birthday and occasion cards by local artists such as John Ashton, Ruth Churchill, and Caroline Barker.

The shop also carries handmade jewellery from Jenny Reynolds—perfect for that special occasion. The shop is also a parcel hub and can order items they don’t stock, so it’s well worth dropping by.

The Civic Service in Modbury last week was well attended by the Benefice Churches. Rev. Matt Rowland led the procession through the church, and Mr. David Scott carried the processional cross. Some favourite hymns were sung, and the Modbury Gospel Choir performed a small selection of their songs. After the service, guests were served lunch in the Memorial Hall, and the congregation enjoyed coffee.

This Sunday, St. Andrew's will host a Sunday Worship service, led by Reader Joyce Howitt. The service will start at the usual time of 11 am