It’s a small community with a big plan.

Halwell and Morleigh - between Dartmouth, Kingsbridge and Totnes - would like to offer something for the younger generation in the parish, and further afield, from young tots on scooters to teenagers on mountain bikes so have begun fundraising for a Pump Track.

A pump track is a continuous loop of banked turns, rollers & jumps for cyclists.

It’s designed and built in such a way that it enables users of all ability to circulate the track without the use of pedalling.

On their Crowdfunding page they explain:

“Like many small communities the effects of Covid-19 remain and whilst community events have started again, there is still a degree of isolation which we believe the pump track can overcome..”

The village hall is accessible to over 25,000 people within a 15 minute drive.

A company called Forte Trailscapes have developed many tracks over the last 20 years and build them to Rospa guidelines.

The organisers also intend to invite quotes from other parties to ensure they are getting value for money.

It’s thought the scheme could be achieved through permitted development as it is being run by the Parish Council but if it did not qualify the planners have suggested that an application would be positively received.

This project will cost in the region of £50,000.

They have made some significant strides in raising this amount due to recent development within the parish, but still have a way to go.

A Crowdfunding page has been created to help raise funds along with other fundraising events of their own at the hall.

The Pump Track will provide a safe environment for children to improve their cycling skills and get involved in exercise.

It will be a family focal point and improve community spirit, expanding social contact and reducing isolation.

As it will be free it will also be an inclusive activity which is important in a cost of living crisis.

They are asking for your support to help them reach their goal.
