Dartmouth Museum’s Open Evening offer was taken up with alacrity by local residents, as over 50 visitors enjoyed two hours in the Museum for free on last week.

They were able to see the Museum’s unique collection of Newcomen and his follower’s, atmospheric engines working, and hear about each engine’s place in steam history.

“We were rushed off our feet by the enthusiasm of our visitors throughout the evening” said Chair, Mike Rowley, pictured above, giving a talk to visitors.

Elsewhere, visitors were able to look for images of their house in the Museum’s photographic records: a resident of Higherside was delighted to find a photograph of the street, before it was demolished and rebuilt in 1925.

The open evening in full swing
The open evening in full swing (Dartmouth Museum)

Another was found their house in Abovetown, a very old photograph from the 1880s helping to date when their house was built.

“We are here to help residents understand as much as possible of their heritage and this often starts with their house – we were very pleased to help”: said Jonathan Turner, Vice Chair.

Everyone enjoyed seeing the new film about the clandestine raids of the 15th Flotilla, and recognising the places where the film was shot and the local actors representing secret agents entering France. ‘We were delighted with the response this evening” said Mike “the Museum is an important part of all our heritage and it’s great to have so much local support.”

Dartmouth Museum is a small, fascinating and interesting museum housed in an atmospheric old merchant's house, built in approximately 1640.

The Museum houses an extensive collection of artefacts, models, paintings and photographs which can help you explore and develop your interests, whether they be in maritime history, the social and economic history of the town of Dartmouth, or the physical changes to the town over the past centuries.