Dartmouth Town Council would like to clarify details about the planning application for the refurbishment of the Royal Avenue Gardens’ toilets, particularly about the proposed commercial unit.

The planning application is for a Class E classification and while the initial plans showed a 21-seater café, this is only one example of a number of potential uses and not a specific planning application.

Class E is a versatile classification that allows a wide variety of commercial uses.

Many commercial properties now fall under Class E, which provides flexibility in how spaces can be utilised.

As such, the commercial unit within Royal Avenue Gardens could serve various purposes. Dartmouth Town Council will retain full control over which business or type of business rents the unit and will carefully consider the impact on the current surrounding businesses in Dartmouth.

The refurbishment of the toilet block in Royal Avenue Gardens will reduce the current number of working toilets from 13 to 11 but the proposed changes will introduce a unisex baby-changing facility and an additional disabled toilet, including a Changing Places Unit, ensuring that the facilities meet modern accessibility standards.

The rental income generated from the commercial unit, as with all Dartmouth Town Council-owned properties, will contribute to the Town’s public funds. This additional income helps keep the precept (part of residents’ Council Tax) as low as possible.

The plans by BBH Chartered Architects Ltd
The plans by BBH Chartered Architects Ltd (BBH Chartered Architects Ltd)

Mayor David Wells commented, “The refurbishment of the Royal Avenue Gardens toilets is a necessary investment for the town.

“Not only will the new facilities include a much-needed Changing Places Unit for those with accessibility needs, but the commercial unit will also generate revenue that will allow the Council to break even on the project within 10 to 12 years.

“This is about ensuring that both visitors and residents have proper facilities, whilst minimising the long-term cost to the public.”

Dartmouth Town Council will hold a drop-in consultation on Tuesday, October 29, from 3pm to 7pm in the Clifton Room, The Guildhall, Victoria Road.

This will give residents the chance to view the detailed plans and ask any questions.

The Properties Manager will also be available to answer questions.