Living in the South Hams is to be handed a silver spoon when it comes to scenery and one of the places that is easily accessible is of course Dartmoor.

There’s nowhere on Dartmoor that you can’t easily reach on a day out and there’s even a corner of the South Hams north of Ivybridge which is part of the moor.

A mare and her foal
A mare and her foal (Richard Harding)

The National Park covers 368 square miles and it is covered by moorland with exposed granite hilltops better known as tors.

The highest point is High Willhays which is 621m (2,037ft) above sea level and, just two meters lower, Yes Tor. Both are near Oakhampton.

A ewe followed by her two lambs
A ewe followed by her two lambs (Richard Harding)

Dartmoor is perfect for a good walk where you can spot prehistoric standing stones (menhirs), Neolithic and Bronze Age remains, what’s left of old quarries and much more.

Two cows
Two cows (Richard Harding)

This time of year is also great for seeing new-born livestock: lambs, foals and calves.

Whether it’s for relaxation or exercise Dartmoor is hard to beat.

A ewe relaxing with her two lambs
A ewe relaxing with her two lambs (Richard Harding)