The Channel Island of Guernsey lies around 70 miles south of Weymouth and 30 miles west of Normandy in France.

I lived there for 15 years working as a radio presenter and journalist for Island FM which is owned by the publisher of this newspaper/website.

Guernsey is steeped in history with dolmens, menhirs and pagan sites going back to the Stone Age.

More recently in the Civil War, Guernsey took the side of Cromwell’s Parliamentarians while Castle Cornet was held by the Royalists.

Castle Cornet- the oldest part of which dates from 1206
Castle Cornet- the oldest part of which dates from 1206 (Richard Harding)

Guernsey was also the home of the exiled French novelist Victor Hugo and he stood in the lookout of Hauteville House towards his homeland, visible on a clear day to complete Les Misérables.

You could take a seat next to Victor Hugo
You could take a seat next to Victor Hugo (Richard Harding)

Today the offshore finance industry is the main source of income although you won’t hear the term ‘tax haven’ used, rather ‘well-regulated low tax jurisdiction’.

Swiss private bank Julius Bar at Admiral Park, the main finance district
Swiss private bank Julius Bar at Admiral Park, the main finance district (Richard Harding)

The coastline offers stunning walks and sea swimming is a popular pastime.

Petit Port
Petit Port (Richard Harding)
Yachts cram into the main visitor marina in St Peter Port
Yachts cram into the main visitor marina in St Peter Port (Richard Harding)