Harbertonford Primary School has welcomed local MP Caroline Voaden for a visit.

Ms Voaden was given a tour of the school by Headteacher, Jack Pemberton while they discussed topical educational matters and the challenges facing small schools in rural Devon.

They discussed provision for pupils with SEND and possible routes to funding improvement projects on the school grounds.

As a member of the Education Select Committee, Ms Voaden is a strong voice on education matters in Westminster.

While she was there, Ms Voaden met with some of the pupils at the school, as well as some of the Pupil Parliament representatives.

She spoke to them about her role representing the constituency in Parliament and heard from them about the issues that matter most to children and young people.

The pupils spoke confidently about the changes they have helped to bring about including the Music Zone on the school playground.

They were particularly interested in whether Ms Voaden had met the infamous Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, Larry the Cat!

On the day of the visit the school was holding a sponsored Runathon to raise funds for new playground equipment.

Ms Voaden went to cheer on participants as they ran laps around the school field and even completed a few laps herself.

Ms Voaden also spoke to staff and pupils about their views on the impact of smartphones and social media on children.

She has been speaking out about the need to raise the minimum age for social media use and calling for cross party action to ensure that schools and parents are given the support they need to deal with the challenges such technology creates for children and said that she'd like to come back to speak with the older pupils about the Phone-Free Childhood movement.

Harbertonford Primary School is strongly rooted in the community and works closely with councillors, community groups and local families.

As a small school, they get to know each child well and understand their needs, talents, interests and motivation.

Staff aim to help pupils discover their potential and enable them to fulfil it, whilst valuing their individuality and developing the whole child.

Mr Jack Pemberton, Headteacher at Harbertonford Primary School said:

“It was a pleasure to welcome Caroline Voaden MP to our school.

Her visit allowed us to have important discussions about the future of education, and it’s great to know she’s listening to the voices of children and teachers alike.

It’s brilliant to have such a strong voice in Westminster raising the issues that really matter to young people today.”

Caroline Voaden, MP for the South Devon constituency said:

“As a member of the Education Select Committee, it’s essential for me to stay connected with local schools.

Harbertonford Primary School is doing a great job of supporting pupils both academically and pastorally and it was lovely to see such a thriving village school up close.

It was clear how proud the pupils are of their school and it was great to speak to the Pupil Parliament about their important role.”