Dogs aren’t the only four legged friends we need to worry about in this heat, we also need to look out for the hedgehogs.

With temperatures rising, local wildlife rescuer, Judy Thomson, a volunteer for the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, has issued a warning on how to look after these fragile creatures in the heat.

The hot weather can lead to a limited food source, explained Judy. She suggested people should leave a dish of water in their gardens.

Additionally, Judy explained that hedgehogs are excellent swimmers so will sometimes venture into garden ponds. But, they need a way out of the pond otherwise they can struggle if the banks are slippery. This can lead to the hedgehogs struggling and drowning.

Judy has also advised people to make sure there is access to their gardens. This can be done by creating a four inch hole in the fencing to let the hedgehogs move between gardens.

If anyone does find a hedgehog that appears to be unwell, then Judy and her partner Alan Pook can take them in and bring the hedgehogs back to health. Please contact them on 07970983608 or 01803771086.

The couple found their first spring hedgehog recently which weighed a mere one and a half ounces.

Recently they have rescued about half a dozen hedgehogs who were poorly, injured or underweight. They nurse them back to health and gradually release them back into the wild. Alan makes feed stations for the hedgehogs during this transition.

Judy said anyone is welcome to get in touch if they find a hedgehog they are concerned about or want to find out more about the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

Both Judy and Alan do this voluntarily and from their own funds but do welcome any donations of cat food and old hutches or indoor rabbit cages for the winter.