Kingsbridge’s Duncombe lodge has had the pleasure of presenting a £500 cheque to the President of Kingsbridge in Bloom.

Graham Pryce has been Honorary President since its inception 17 years ago.

Kingsbridge in Bloom has been a volunteer association for seventeen years with the members looking after the town’s beautiful flower displays throughout the year.

Duncombe Lodge has been a keen supporter making annual donations for the last ten years.

There are more than twenty volunteers but, over 1,000 local residents support Kingsbridge in Bloom through their monthly fundraising draw.

The group have won Queen’s commendation medals for volunteering and have won numerous national competitions and gold medals.

KIB work in co-ordination with the "RHS Britain in Bloom" scheme.

It has brought Kingsbridge success and national fame winning Britain in Bloom Gold medals and many other national accolades.

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