Anne Rainbow and her husband Stephen Thomas who has Bursitis caused by a fall visit Quayside Leisure Centre twice a week to use the gym.
For more than two months the lift has been out of action which makes it very uncomfortable and painful for Stephen who has to climb up the steps then down again as Anne explained: “I walk behind Stephen in case he slips.
“I've got heart condition and don't want to be fallen on.
“We still come because we need to come as part of our health thing.
“They really ought to sort it out.
“We were joking with someone on the way in today that we were looking forward to our lift rebate subtracted from what we're paying per month.
Stephen also commented: “My wound is gradually healing but it'll be a lot easier if I had a lift to get to the gymnastic level here at Quayside.
“It's Bursitis. It's a damage caused by a fall so it just it needs exercise on a constant basis and rest and all kinds of stuff so we do keep coming every Tuesday and Thursday despite having to climb those stairs.

Anne added that there were others even worse off: “Well there's a guy, we don't know but he is known by our trainer who's currently working in the gym who's in a wheelchair.
“He just can't come, simple as that, you can't physically get a wheelchair user up the stairs.”
The couple have complained and were told they don’t know when the lift will be fixed.
Fusion, who run Quayside Leisure Centre sent us this statement:
‘We apologise for any inconvenience caused by our lift being out of action at our centre in Quayside.
We are working hard to repair the lift and hope to have it working very soon.
We thank our centre users for their patience.’