Devon and Cornwall Police believe a mass gathering involving a large number of young people is planned this evening in Totnes and Teignmouth.

Chief Inspector Miranda Pusey said:

‘Last year we were made aware of a number of students celebrating in and around Totnes and Teignmouth which resulted in ambulances and the police becoming involved.

“To avoid a repeat of this, there will be an increased police presence with officers patrolling key areas. 

“We know that celebrating the end of the educational year is important to all students which is why it is important that our police teams are doing what they can to keep everyone safe, including young people.

“By increasing our proactive patrols, we will have a robust approach towards anti-social behaviour, including underage alcohol and drug consumption, vandalism, fighting, excessive noise and other forms of anti-social behaviour.

“We would ask parents and guardians to help us in our efforts to ensure that our towns remains a safe environment for all.”

Some schools have also been sent this message:

“Police have received information there could be a mass gathering in Totnes on Friday evening.

“The code name being used for this is ‘M’. It is suggested this gathering is being arranged via Snapchat, with young people coming from across South Devon, Plymouth and possibly Bristol.

“There are serious safety concerns associated with this gathering.

“There is also information suggesting a large gathering taking place in Teignmouth with the code name ‘Motive’.”