Bloor Homes have held a meeting with Modbury Parish Council wanting to consult with them and the community on proposals for a new development of up to 100 homes.

Councillor Barbara Price asked whether Bloor Homes had seen and understood the statement sent to them that the site concerned was not a development site in the Joint Local Plan or Modbury Neighbourhood Plan and was outside the town development boundary.

The Bloor team said they had received it but, in view of the new government’s drive for faster new housing delivery, were bringing this scheme forward despite it not being in the current programme.

No planning application had yet been submitted.

Councillor Price added that because there is no application, the Council will not comment on detail but seek clarification where this was needed.

She wanted to express the Council’s concern at the way the consultation was being handled by Bloor saying the Council had not been made aware of Bloor’s intentions until after the public meeting had been arranged and that it appeared to them that the current meeting was an afterthought and was therefore disrespectful.

Second, there appeared to be little transparency in the arrangements, with the Memorial Hall booking being made by a third party.

Third, it was misleading to state that the proposal was phase three of the original development – it is a totally new scheme – and fourth, the documents repeatedly refer to Modbury as a village when it has long been a town.

Dan Allwood stated that the reason for bringing the scheme forward was that it was an opportune time – that the new government’s review of the National Planning Policy Framework has made it clear that local authorities must do more to facilitate developers delivering increased numbers of new homes - and this will contribute to SHDC’s new, increased targets.

He advised that SHDC was likely to have to deliver 80 per cent more homes in the next plan period (2024-44) than in the current one.

Several Councillors made the point that the new NPPF is not yet approved and until it is this scheme would not seem to comply with current planning policies and plans.

There would be 70-80 homes but possibly up to 100 with 30 per cent affordable.

Built to Future Homes standards (the new Building Regulations standard including improved eco standards).

Existing field boundaries and hedgerows, including an area of community woodland and other open space would be retained.

There would be drainage basins for sustainable surface water drainage.

Pedestrian links to the QE2 recreation ground would be provided and vehicle access via Lanveoc Way.

Section 106 contributions for education/highways and other infrastructure would be discussed.

An outline planning application would be submitted this month.

There were concerns about the way Bloor Homes completed the earlier schemes.

Mr Allwood said he was unaware of this and suggested that the newly-opened Exeter office would be more committed and responsive than the Swindon office which delivered the previous schemes.

Mr Allwood admitted they hadn’t got this initial consultation process right.