A firm rejection has been issued by the Leader of South Hams District Council in response to recent plans on Plymouth City Council’s reorganisation proposals.

The City Council released information about proposed plans to expand their boundaries into the South Hams on Wednesday 12 March. This is all part of a shake-up of local government's two-tier council structures, following the Government’s recent White Paper on devolution and local government reorganisation.

If the City Council’s proposals are accepted by the Government, 13 South Hams’ parishes, many of them rural communities, and around 30,000 residents, would be swallowed up into the city's boundaries.

The Leader met with the 13 town and parish councils affected to brief them on the Plymouth proposals and to answer any questions they might have.

A further meeting on Thursday 27 March will provide all South Hams’ town and parish councils with the latest information on the proposals being developed jointly by the seven Devon District Council’s proposals and the timetable for government reorganisation.

Cllr Julian Brazil, Leader of South Hams District Council, firmly rebuffed the proposals: “I do not support the extensive land grab by Plymouth in the South Hams. Perhaps someone could explain to me how an urban city council is best placed to deliver services in a rural area?

“The whole thing is a nonsense. If Plymouth wants to expand it should look west to Saltash and Tor Point. Government says it wants us to find better ways of delivering local services. This will do exactly the opposite.”

Find further information on the English Devolution White Paper at the Gov.UK website.