Cathy Campos, of Victoria Road, Dartmouth, writes:
The new rubbish collection service is not fit for purpose.
I am sure no one particularly like having to separate their food waste in kitchen caddies, however in the interests of being a good citizen I have dutifully collected it and then placed it outside in the brown bin for collection since new system started.
However, since the new system came into force my food waste has always been collected fortnightly with the other weeks collection never taking place.
I have informed South Hams Council every time this collection has been missed .
Several ‘investigations’ have been started into why the council is unable to fulfil their obligation to collect food waste on a weekly basis but to date there have never been any results or indeed improvement in their service.
Therefore, I have consigned my horrid caddy to the shed and simply will revert to placing all food waste into my seagull sack.
If Dartmouth presents such a challenge for the new system – as there seem to be lots of smaller streets where food waste is not collected weekly – can we please revert to weekly collection of seagull sacks which worked very well?