Chris Hart, of North Pool, near Kingsbridge, writes:

Just recently I received my council tax bill and the one thing that really shocked me was the amount I pay for policing, by far the largest expenditure.

I am only mentioning this on account of an increase of police presence in an area of virtually zero per cent crime, for which there seems to be neither rhyme nor reason.

Police cars are to be seen lurking in lanes, concealed within church drives or even parked outside pubs.

We all appreciate a police presence now and then, but this has been going on since late November and at what cost I wonder.

Not so long ago, we welcomed our local community officer at all our fetes and celebrations.

In fact, at his first appearance some of the ladies took him to be a stripogram.

In those days there was a certain transparency, to coin a current term, which sadly now is missing, and we are subjected to what amounts to harassment by impersonal patrolling police cars. Can the police force really afford such excessive manpower?