Professional house buying firm Property Solvers’ speed of sale tool has revealed that it’s taking an average of 18.72 weeks to sell a property across South Hams.
Updated monthly, the latest data set analysed over 440 property sales across the region between March 2024 and March 2025.
The statistics track the moment a property is listed on the UK’s leading property portals to the point it’s marked as officially ‘sold’ at the HM Land Registry.
Properties were selling the fastest around the Totnes and South Brent (TQ9) postcode and Kingsbridge (TQ7) adopting a minimum number of 10 property sales in a given area.
In the top five areas, Property Solvers revealed that homes took 121.60 days (17.37 weeks) to sell on average.
In between came Salcombe (TQ8) where properties were taking an average of 106 days to sell and Ivybridge (PL21) came in between.
Homes were selling the slowest in the Dartmouth (TQ6) postcode taking an average of 140 days to sell.
Ruban Selvanayagam of Property Solvers commented: “While South Hams's sale times remain in line with historical trends, there are encouraging signs that greater adoption of tech-driven efficiencies by industry stakeholders will help reduce transaction lengths.
A key example is improving the accessibility and transparency of property-related data, making transactions more seamless.”
The co-founder of the sell house fast company concludes: “It’s also worth noting that many buyers have been pushing for their transactions to complete before April 1 given the reintroduction of the two per cent Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) band.
In the Devon property market, house prices are at an overall average of £323,279.
Detached properties fetch an average of £487,098 and semi-detached at £305,558.
Plymouth is the most affordable place to buy a house, with an average property price of £221,000.