Each year, Rowcroft Hospice supports over 2,500 patients and their loved ones throughout South Devon, providing expert care to local people with life-limiting illnesses.

Thanks to Rowcroft’s specialist services, 80 per cent of patients receive care in the comfort of their own homes, including those in Totnes where talented artist and creative, Sue Bradshaw lived with her husband Peter.

Sue’s journey with Rowcroft began in 2023 when, after returning from a holiday with Peter, she received a devastating diagnosis: an inoperable and untreatable tumour.

“As well as receiving support from Rowcroft’s Hospice at Home team, Sue spent time at the hospice after being admitted with an infection,” said Peter.

“The staff on the wards were amazing; you get this sense of a really strong team of people working together. They're so caring and nothing’s a problem.

“It's hard to explain Rowcroft, it's like a combination of an umbrella above you and a big fluffy cushion underneath you.”

Sue's involvement with Rowcroft didn't end with the care she received; she felt inspired to give back.

Peter explains: “Sue had a very successful crochet business and she made some blankets and put them on her website asking for a £25 donation. She was immediately swamped with people wanting them and some paid as much as £250, and she raised over £3,000!”

After Sue passed away, Peter engaged with the bereavement support service at Rowcroft and said: “They were amazing, caring, experienced and listened – for me this was an invaluable help and felt like a safety net; I cannot thank them enough.

“The incredible people at Rowcroft have helped me and my family throughout.”

Following in Sue’s footsteps, Peter wants to raise vital funds for the hospice and has organised several fundraising events at Totnes Boating Club in Sue’s memory, including a Sea Shanty Evening sponsored by Devon Rum on Friday September 6 and a Beatles Singalong on Friday October 11.

Those interested in attending these events can contact Peter on [email protected] or call 07946 427553 to register their interest.

In addition to this, Sue’s friend Katherine is undertaking a 10k swim from Totnes to Dartmouth on Sunday September 8 in a remarkable tribute to Sue.

Katherine has already raised over £3,300 and counting; her challenge is an illustration of the strong support and love for Sue within the community.

Around 75 per cent of Rowcroft’s care is funded by the incredible generosity of local people and the hospice would be unable to provide its essential end-of-life services without this support.

Hospices across the UK are facing financial challenges with at least 20 per cent cutting their services in the last year, or planning to, as they grapple with rising costs, low and stagnating government funding, a drop in charitable donations, and a growing demand for end-of-life care.

If you would like to make a donation and support your local hospice, visit rowcrofthospice.org.uk/get-involved to find out more.