After two years of restrictions and last years bad weather Strete Village Day 2024, a traditional summer fete, returned and proved to be a very successful event with over 350 attending.
Alpacas, ponies and sheep featured plus the traditional coconut shy, splat the rat, golf and bowling. The tea room offered an amazing array of home baked savouries, cream teas, ice creams and cakes. The bar and Pimm’s tent quenched thirsts and the BBQ delivered a constant supply of quality burgers and hot dogs.
After a programme of very competitive children’s races over 50 dogs and their very proud owners competed in the family dog show, with four rosettes award in every category from Dog with the most waggiest tail, Handsomest Dog, Prettiest Bitch, Dog the judge would most like to take home, Best child handler 16 years and under.
Organisers said: “Thank you to all those who joined us and the volunteers who made Strete Village Day 2024 a resounding success.”