IT HAS been a busy competition week at Dartmouth Golf Club and quite a challenging one for some of the ladies.

First up, on the Championship course, was the ladies’ Stableford, which was won by Tina Scanlan on count back from Chris Mushens, both with 34 points. Jan Cousins followed in third place with 30 points.

The ladies eligible for the Eclipse Trophy then went on to play a further nine holes, this time on the Dartmouth course - 27 holes on a warm day needs some stamina! Jan Cousins played a steady nine but her 17 points was insufficient to close the gap on Chris Mushens, whose 16 points gave an overall score of 50 points to win the trophy. Jan was second with 47, then Karen Oldrieve on 46.

Those on the Dartmouth course were also playing in a Stableford trophy competition. Anna Blunt is new to golf and completed her third trophy-qualifying competition with an excellent 37 points. She is now eligible to compete for future trophies but the honours on the day went to Jodie Kenyon (36 points).

In the men’s Midweek Stableford, countback was needed to determine the top three positions in Division One. Brian Mushens had the best front nine but there were stronger finishes from Roger Mawson and Mark Collins, taking first and second respectively with all three on 33 points.

Trevor Pretty posted the highest score of the day, recovering from three points in the first three holes to score 39pts, winning Division Two ahead of Bobby Wotton (33pts) and Colin Weedon (32pts).

Meanwhile, Sam Churchill put together a near-perfect round in Saturday’s Mixed Stableford.

A blob on the stroke index one 14th was the only blemish, with five pars on the front nine giving him 24 points going out and a total of 44. Jeremy Enticknapp was some way behind with 38 points and Maria Warman led the way for the ladies with 36.

The Men’s Monthly Medal was running alongside the Stableford and saw some excellent scoring. Lew Easter was joining Sam in putting together one of his best rounds and finishing with Nett 65, seven under par. Bill Coffin’s Nett 68 would normally look like a winning score but on this occasion, he had to settle for second, with Keith Sexton a further four shots behind on 72.

This was also round two of the Badger Trophy, a 36-hole scratch competition. As a plus handicapper, Lee Marels had scored 68 in round one, four under par, which was always going to take some beating.

Edd Mitchell was the closest contender over the two rounds and gave Lee a run for his money, but that first-round score required some kind of miracle to be beaten. 74 in the second round was sufficient to confirm the win for Lee, on 142, ahead of Edd on 154.