Andrew Kinder | [email protected]
As yet I haven’t got round to reporting on Adam Hunt’s talk on Thursday 13th February which was entitled “A Rewilding Britain Garden and the RHS Chelsea Flower Show”. This was hosted by the Kingston Gardeners and WAK (Wild About Kingston).
As I said at the time, it was completely sold out but luckily, I was able to blag a seat as the carer for Mrs K who’s recovering from a hip replacement. The demand for seats was not surprising really, as Adam is a Best in Show and Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal winner, so he knows a thing or two about gardening.
And how! Speaking fluently and without notes for over an hour, Adam took us through his uncompromising view of rewilding and how he put a good part of this vision into practice at Chelsea. If you thought that creating one of the show gardens was a pastime for talented individuals who just knock one up with the help of a couple of plantsmen and women and a few gin and tonics, Adam put you straight in no uncertain way.
A team of 45, a selection of 2,000 plants from an initial consignment of 5,000, working all hours of the day and night in the month before the show opens and a very determined and professional effort focussed on giving his vision the best chance of winning – that’s how you do it. For someone like me it who just tunes in to see what Monty and Joe think about the show gardens at Chelsea on the TV it was a real eye-opener.
And Adam’s garden was controversial, with one national news outlet, which shall be nameless, describing it as a pile of sticks and a rusty tin shed! To be disparaged – the fate of the prophet through the ages. On a more mundane level, the event raised not far short of £500 in voluntary contributions to be split between Devon Wildlife Trust and the MNDA.
Well done to Rachel, Adam and all those organising and attending!
Aveton Gifford
Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]
The once postponed Aveton Gifford Film Festival will now take place on Saturday, March 8th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. For those new to the idea of Film Fest, it is where anyone is welcome to submit a film which is suitable for family viewing, that is no longer than six minutes and can be of any subject!
There is then a lovely evening when the films are shown and everyone can enjoy them. Films can win in either the adult or junior category voted by the audience. Then there's the Special Judges prize picked by the author of the Idiot's Guide to Independent Filmmaking, Josef Steiff. Please send your entries to the new email [email protected]. Good luck to everyone.
Our W.I. ladies will meet on Tuesday, March 11th from 2.30pm-4.30pm. The speaker will be John Ashton talking about the wildlife on our river. This subject was postponed from January. John is a great speaker and speaks with authority on the wildlife but with amusing anecdotes thrown in, well worth a listen to.
The next Parish Council meeting will be on Thursday, March 6th, always an ideal opportunity to catch up with the local news. St Andrews had a lovely service and Kids church last week. Everyone enjoyed some lovely hymns including Morning Has Broken, lovely to sing it again. Spring is on the way now with the wildflowers around us really putting on the style, shame about the recent weather!!
Chillington Village voice
Chris Hyson | [email protected]
On Valentine’s Day the Chillington Community Association held a Beer and Banter evening in the Village Hall. Unfortunately (probably due to the seriously wet and miserable weather) only a courageous few turned up, which was a shame as a lot of effort had gone into making the hall warm and welcoming. New coloured lights have been installed around the edge of the hall, there were colourful tablecloths with tea lights on all the tables, lovely music playing in the background and of course the bar was open! Those who did make it down to the hall enjoyed themselves!
The next event is our very popular Quiz, on March 21st. If you would like to come please DO book a table in advance by contacting Chris Hyson on 01548 580902 or email: [email protected]
Following that will be the Easter Fun Day on Saturday April 21st. We promise the usual Easter egg hunt along with all sorts of other entertainment in the hall and on the field, depending on the weather!
Then comes the Summer Fair, on Saturday August 16th. We are hoping for a wide variety of interesting stalls and kid-friendly activities. The Community Association is very keen to attract more young visitors. We are a small band of enthusiastic and willing volunteers but are desperately trying to attract young parents to get involved with ensuring that there is enough fun stuff for young people to do at these events.
If anyone has any suggestions or new ideas for either of the above events then please do get in touch, either via my contact details above or on the Chillington & Stokenham Group or Chillington Village Facebook pages.
We are always pleased to welcome new members to the Community Association too. It is not an arduous commitment; occasional meetings and online discussions, but new voices bring new ideas! Contact Chris Hart on [email protected]